Vietnamese American Democratic PAC Celebrates Endorsements

We have received announcement from the Vietnamese American Democratic PAC that they are celebrating their endorsements of Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, and Phu Nguyen with a fundraising luncheon on Friday, August 27th. The event will be held at At the offices of IBEW Local #441, 309 N Rampart, Suite M, Orange, CA 92868; Noon – 2:00PM.

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez introduces Phu Nguyen. Photo; Phu Nguyen for Assembly

Suggested Contributions:
VADPAC Members – No Charge
Non VADPAC Members – $25 in Advance or $30 at the Door
Students/OC Young Dems – $15
Table of 10 – $200

To R.S.V.P for the event click through on this link or contact Karen Hinks by email at, phone: (714) 848-93956.


  1. Loretta Sanchez and Phu Nguyen will have difficult campaigns.

    Loretta has a 90+day mortgage delinquency of 17.1% in her 47th Congressional district. From Deutsche Bank:

    She did not fight for the “Homeowners and Bank Protection Act of 2007.”

    She voted for the fraud “Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protect Act” that does not contain Glass-Steagall, – the 1933 Great Depression era legislation that made a distinction between Commercial Banks from Investment Banks.

    Loretta is an Obama Democrat.
    “Geithner Organizes Call for Yet Another Hyperinflationary Bailout of All Mortgage Backed Securities”

    Phu Nguyen is a Democrat in the bankrupt state of California.

    In 2005 California had the 3rd worst business climate in the nation. Now it’s the worst.

    In 2001 the Democrat majority retroactively increased pension benefits.

    California is one of the few states that use collective bargaining in pension contracts. County Board of Supervisors negotiates with Public Employee Unions over common pension benefits.

    Why should voters believe that things will improve in California if there is one more Democrat in the Assembly?

  2. Phu Nguyen is a Democrat in the bankrupt state of California.

    True but Phu is also a business owner who undersatnds how to create jobs, running against a corrupt mayor who have never created a job in his life or had to meet a payroll.

    Do you really think his polices which have cost Costa Mesa Millions in Lawsuits will help the State?

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