AG Brown and Gov. Schwarzenegger ask court to allow same-gender marriages to resume

BREAKING NEWS: Governor Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Jerry Brown have both asked Judge Walker to lift his stay on his order overturning Prop 8 and allow same-gender marriages to resume.

Attorney General Brown’s campaign tweeted:

@JerryBrown2010: With Prop 8 resoundingly rejected in federal court, there is no reason marriages can’t resume now.

Equality California just released the following press release:

San Francisco – Today Attorney General Jerry Brown filed a motion opposing a stay of Judge Walker’s decision to overturn Prop. 8. In response, Equality California Executive Director Geoff Kors issued the following statement:‪

“We are truly grateful to Attorney General Brown for opposing a stay in this landmark case, as there is simply no valid reason to deny a loving same-sex couple the freedom to marry. With the State of California opposing a stay, there is no justification for not resuming marriages for same-sex couples immediately. Brown has long fought for all Californians to enjoy equality and the constitutional protections promised to each of us.

As we stand at a historic crossroads, we need a leader who strives to unite Californians and who shuns the destructive politics of division. With his tremendous leadership, Brown has demonstrated why he should be our state’s next governor.

Equality California will stand firmly with Brown in his candidacy for governor, just as he has stood with our community and on the side of justice.”‬