Beth Krom wins DFA Grassroots AllStar Contest

CD-48 Democratic candidate for Congress Beth Krom has won the 2010 Democracy For America (DFA) Grassroots All-Star competition, besting 99 other worthy Democratic candidates to capture needed money and volunteer hours in her race to defeat Rep. John Campbell.  Beth’s campaign team kicked butt and took names as voting was fast and furious in the hours leading up to the final deadline.

What this win proves is Krom’s team can mount an effective grassroots campaign that will be a force to be reckoned with in November’s election.  They used all manners of social media, direct phone pitches and personal connections to get supporters to vote for Krom.  She polled significantly high in vote counts throughout the competition and the DFA announced her win this morning.

Founded by Gov. Howard Dean in 2004, Democracy for America is a people-powered PAC. With over one million members nationwide, DFA is a grassroots powerhouse working to change our country and the Democratic Party from the bottom-up. We provide campaign training, organizing resources, and media exposure so our members have the power to support progressive issues and candidates up and down the ballot.

Here’s the announcement from the folks at DFA:

After 66,248 votes, DFA members nationwide have chosen DFA’s 2010 Grassroots All-Star.

And the winner is… Beth Krom.

Having won five consecutive elections in a city with a Republican registration advantage, she understands how important it is to rely on strong grassroots organizing to win. Beth is the former mayor of Irvine, CA and she calls on her experiences as a teacher, a business owner, a community volunteer and a mother to fight for progressive values and deliver results. That why Irvine was recognized as one of the safest, greenest big cities in the country during her time as mayor.

Now she’s running for Congress against Republican Rep. John Campbell. Want to know how much of a right-wing crackpot Campbell is? He’s a “Birther” who cosponsored a bill requiring presidential candidates show their birth certificates when filing papers to run for office.

It’s time to kick John Campbell out of office and Beth Krom’s the one to do it.

Contribute $10 right now and fuel her campaign to win

It won’t be easy to win this race. Republicans have held this seat in Orange County for the last 18 years. But that doesn’t faze Beth Krom.

She has 300 volunteers on the ground (many of them local DFA members) who are door knocking, phone banking, and helping get her message out to the district. She also has city leaders who support her and volunteer to coordinate community events. These leaders have helped ensure Beth reaches each and every community throughout the district.

The coalition of support for Beth Krom includes the American Federation of Teachers, Human Rights Campaign, Women’s Campaign Forum and the Sierra Club to name just a few of the over 25 national, state and local organizations on board and working to win.

With a strong people-powered campaign, Beth Krom can beat a right-wing Republican. It’s up to us to deliver the resources to make it happen.

Contribute $10 to DFA’s 2010 Grassroots All-Star now

There is only one Grassroots All-Star, but Beth wasn’t the only winner. Democrats Mac D’Alessandro in MA-09 and Bill Hedrick in CA-44 came in 2nd and 3rd place respectively. These two All-Star Finalists have earned DFA-List endorsements and will get the full power of our national movement to back them up from now through Election Day.

It’s exciting that over 66,000 votes were cast in this competition. There’s no question that progressives are engaged in this mid-term election year and we’re fighting for the candidates who stand up for us.

I’m honored to work for you every day,


Jim Dean, Chair
Democracy for America


  1. Go get ’em, Beth! The Weiss’ are all behind you. We’ll talk about doing a coffee klatch at our house for you. You look great, by the way, and Hillary looks gorgeous!

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