Irvine Mayor Sukhee Kang is one of 46 individuals honored by the Carnegie Corporation this past weekend an as immigrant who has made a significant contribution to this nation. Kang was featured in a New York Times ad earlier this month.
Kang is in company with people like Paul Anka, Wayne Gretzky, Paulina Porizkova, Anna Wintour, Tracy Ullman and Yoko One.
The Carnegie Corporation honors “Immigrants: the Pride of America.” From their website:Â
Each year around Independence Day, Carnegie Corporation of New York, in partnership with The New York Times, salutes our founder Andrew Carnegie’s legacy, by celebrating an ideal he held so dearly: citizenship.Â
On this particular day, we honor women and men whose love for this country, like that of Mr. Carnegie himself, led them to pursue a pathway to citizenship. It is a pathway that may be both lengthy and complex, but for many immigrants, the process is a road they are determined to follow.
Like their fellow citizens, those men and women who have become Americans by Choice, have made, and continue to make, our nation strong and vibrant. We are committed to helping immigrants become integrated into the civic fabric of our nation because enlightened citizenship is the everlasting strength of our democracy. Our national motto, E pluribus unum— “out of many, one†— continues to be an ideal we can all aspire to and a true guiding light for our nation.”
We’ll note Kang’s leadership in maintaining a high level of services for Irvine residents during the worst economy in decades and making Irvine’s budget the envy of other cities in Orange County and California. Kang’s reputation for building coalitions of people to work together towards common goals coupled with his approachability and ability to connect with residents from all over the city will make him very difficult to beat this fall.
Dan, here you are again, working overtime spinning the facts about one of your Agranista buddies. In actually, Kang is just another two faced snake oil salesman and lead “rubber stamp” for the Agranista Political Machine. Kang has reached the next level of incompetence of the “Peter Principle” and if that merits an award, so be it.
Now let’s take a brief look at a couple of Sukhee’s real achievements. First, he assisted Beth Krom in cutting an under the table deal with Red China to terminate our long time Sister City in Taiwan, replacing it with one from China. When the Sister City Foundation, a long time Irvine service organization refused to go along with their plan, Krom and Kang were instrumental in cutting their throats and leaving them lying in the gutter. Then Sukhee was in the middle of the Maguire Properties deal where Hometown Voters Guide got a contribution of $120,000 used in the election campaign of Kang and Krom in 2006. Yep, the models of ethical government setting an example for all to folow. There are many other sterling examples of Sukhee’s ineptness, but let me close by pointing out his collusion in the boondoggle at the Great Park. His mismanagement and lack of leadership, when combined with that of the other Agranistas, will go down in the history books as the “Con of the Century.” 200 million bucks of taxpayers money spent and people keep asking the question, “Where’s the Park?” Yep, Irvine citizens, with friends like Sukhee Kang, our enemies pale in comparison.