Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

From the Sacramento Bee:

Yesterday Carly Fiorina spoke at a news conference held at the electrical contracting and engineering firm Rex Moore in Sacramento, where she also lambasted her Democratic rival Sen. Barbara Boxer for failing to stimulate job growth in California….

Rex Moore has received nearly $450,000 in stimulus money as part of the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Read the whole article here.


  1. Now I’m really confused – confused more than normal. I always believed that Republicans believed that competitive free enterprise created jobs,- not government; now I read that Carly Fiorina complained that government, (Senator Boxer), failed to stimulate job growth.
    Guys know how this jobs issue can be settled; enter the two ladies in a mud wrestling contest.
    Don’t be shocked.
    Any guy over 40 knows what I’m talking about.

  2. Those “attacks” surely must be some kind of sicko joke from Ms. Sneed = we must – “Export American Families Jobs” – to the lowest cost 3rd world exploiter.

    Cara Sneed:


    Where Cara Sneed sent American families jobs, & the American tax base ….

  3. Doesn’t anyone else remember that John McCain “fired Fiorina” for screwing up his California campaign one week after she was hired to be his state spokesperson? Besides getting bounced from HP she got bounced by her Party’s candidate for putting her foot in his mouth. Whatss Up with that?

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