Here are my recommendations for some of the contested Democratic Party and non-partisan races on Tuesday’s ballot in Orange County.
Lt. Governor:San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom has made his campaign for Lt. Governor a bit difficult because of his previous comments dismissing the position. He did that when he was running for Governor, and when asked why he wasn’t running for that position instead. That said, I believe that Newsom has the name recognition and experience that makes him the best choice to represent the party in the general election. Gavin Newsom for Lt. Governor
Attorney General: For this one I am going with my gut and supporting Alberto Torrico for Attorney General.
Insurance Commissioner: I have met and spoken with both candidates Hector De La Torre and Dave Jones. I like them both. But I have to say that Hector De La Torre has demonstrated in our conversations a grasp of the job and an accessibility that makes him a better choice. Insurance Commissioner Hector De La Torre.
Superintendent of Public Instruction:Tom Torlakson. Tom has received the endorsement of the current Superintendent Jack O’Connell, and a host of other organizations across the state. I’m going with Tom Torlakson for Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Orange County Offices
Board of Supervisors – 4th District: This is a tough one. The candidate I wanted to run isn’t in the race and there is only one of the three Democrats (Brown, Espinoza, and Galloway) with the resources to run a viable campaign. That candidate is Lorri Galloway.
Clerk-Recorder:the incumbent Tom Daly has done a good job running the office for the past 8 years. He has brought his department in under budget and repeatedly exceeded revenue expectations for his department. My choice for Clerk-Recorder is Tom Daly.
Treasurer-Tax Collector:Four years ago John Moorlach backed his deputy Chriss Street for the position. That recommendation didn’t work out so well, and Street, having lost a civil fraud suit unrelated to his tenure as Treasurer, has decided not to run. Moorlach has backed Huntington Beach Treasurer Shari Freidenrich for the spot. Street’s deputy Keith Rodenhuis is also in the race. I know Keith; he is an honest and straight-forward guy. He tells you what he thinks and doesn’t feed you the usual B.S. you get from politicians. While he is a Republican, and we do not agree on everything, Keith is a republican who you can talk to and he keeps an open mind. That makes Keith Rodenhuis my choice for Treasurer-Tax Collector.
Sheriff-Coroner:Of the choices we have I have reached the conclusion that the devil I know is far better than the devil we could get in her place. I cannot support the TEA Party and racist choice Bill Hunt, and I question the judgment of Deputy Chief Craig Hunter. Appointed Sheriff Sandra Hutchens has made a number of major mistakes in her time in the position, but I think she has learned from those mistakes. For me, Sandra Hutchens should be elected as Orange County Sheriff-Coroner.
Public Administrator: John Williams has proven to be a disaster for the office. He must be replaced. I recommend Kevin Vann, the endorsed Democrat in the race.
68th Assembly District: Phu Nguyenis my choice. Joe Dovinh is a Van Tran plant.
70th Assembly District: Frequent candidate Michael Glover has had a few bites at this apple and he has failed to make the grade. It is time for new vision and a candidate willing to actually conduct a campaign. That candidate is Melissa Fox.
Orange County Board of Education – District 2:The incumbent Alexandra Coronado has managed to distinguish herself as an ardent homophobe who has no business making any decisions related to education. Her extreme positions on LGBT civil rights are the equivalent of racist views. The only choice in this race is David Boyd.
Superior Court Judge #50: Lon Hurwitz is my choice in this race. He is an experienced judicial commissioner with an excellent track record. This is probably one of the easiest recommendations for me to make.
Chris, this is not a snarky gripe, this is an honest question I cannot find answers for. Perhaps you can help me since you have brought it up. I know folks are up in arms about Alex Coronado’s “homophobic” statements, but I cannot find primary source references for those remarks. What is it she said that has everyone so lit?
Here is the link to the story we had on LiberalOC: Encouraging Gay Bashers.
Or just Google her name and Harvey Milk Day.
Sorry Chris – you lost me with Keith Rodenhuis. Get off the Moorlach bashing bandwagon and judge Shari for her extensive qualifications. You of all peole know Keith is a PR guy and Treas. Street aka Mr. Fraud’s right hand man. This kid is totally unqualified. Be careful about backing a Nice guy because he’s fun to drink with.