Asm. Dave Jones Statement on CA Dem Party Endorsement

Asm. Dave Jones

Late last evening we won the endorsement of the California Democratic Party at its convention in Los Angeles in my race for Insurance Commissioner!

When the over 1700 votes were tallied, we had 61%, Hector De La Torre had 34% with 5% voting for no endorsement.

This is a huge victory for our campaign and we couldn’t have done it without your support.

I’m so proud of the grassroots campaign that we built across California over the past 16 months. I have enjoyed traveling throughout the state, attending countless Democratic meetings and events and talking to you about the change we need in the Insurance Commissioner’s office.

I’d like to thank our tireless volunteers who worked so hard calling and talking to Democratic Party activists (no robo calls!) and at the Convention to make this all possible.

One long time observer of the Democratic Party called our campaign “the best organized grassroots campaign in the history of the California Democratic Party.” And the Democratic grassroots responded by endorsing my candidacy for Insurance Commissioner!

Thanks to all of the Democratic Party activists who are working so hard to improve our state and communities. Delegates traveled from across California to meet in Los Angeles to map out our strategy for taking back the Governor’s and Insurance Commissioner’s offices.

I enjoyed exchanging ideas with activists from across the state and sharing my thoughts on how we can use the Insurance Commissioner’s office to protect consumers and hold the insurance industry accountable.

Kim, Isabelle, Will and I appreciated the outpouring of support at the convention as we attended the party caucus meetings and events.

It’s grassroots activism and organization that has made this campaign so successful and that will enable us to take back the Insurance Commissioner’s office.