Lorri Galloway announces key union endorsement

Got this press release today from the Lorri Galloway campaign for her Fourth District BoS race:

The Orange County Labor Federation has Endorsed Lorri Galloway for the Orange County Board of Supervisors, 4th District.

Anaheim, Ca, February 28, 2010

The Orange County Labor Federation representing thousands of working families throughout the county has endorsed Lorri Galloway for the Orange County Board of Supervisors, 4th District.  A fundraiser hosted by California State Speaker of the House, John Perez, in conjunction with a large coalition of labor organizations, and community-based organizations is being held on March 11th, 2010.  

Go to Lorri’s website for details on the fundraiser.

1 Comment

  1. The unions have been taken over by progressives whose goal is power and control. Obama’s appointee to deficit reduction, Andrew Stern, leader of the SEIU states, “workers of the world unite”. Stern wants global control and wants to increase his large union corporation coffers by adding global members and U.S. doctors to its membership. The old Soviet Union was a good example of what Stern’s vision is in regards to exploitatation of the workers on behalf of the elite political class. Unions exploit capitalism and eventually workers by ensuring spreading the wealth is equal, even to non performers. Eventually many of the good workers dumb down to the level of nonperformers in receiving equal work for equal pay, then the political system becomes totalatarian and doesn’t work for the people, much like Venzuela and electricity shortages, Cuba and food shortages, etc. Our country needs to return to its Judeo-Christian principles which allows for all religions to practice their faith. The MSM and PC suppression of religion and faith has morally bankrupted our nation and led to forgetting who we are. Americans want their freedom and with freedom, even corrupt politicians have their say, however that does not mean the majority has to go along with their ideas.

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