With Rep. Michelle Bachman, who will be speaking to the Lincoln Club of Orange County tonight in Newport Beach, escaping the frigid temperatures of Minnesota (a high of 7 degrees in St. Paul today) for the sunshine of SoCal, perhaps our conservative friends can ask the Congresswoman why she decided to cancel her appearance at an upcoming Tea Party Convention in Tennesee for next month.
Bacmann, who’s one of the Teabagger’s biggest supporters, has backed out of an appearance at what could be considered the First National Tea Party Convention, citing concerns of how funds being raised would be used. Bachman was scheduled to appear with Tennesee Congresswoman  Marsha Blackburn. But don’t worry TeaPartiers…Sarah Palin is still coming.
From the story:
“However, their offices released statements Tuesday citing concerns about how funds raised by the convention might be used.
Many tea party activists across the country are boycotting the convention over its $550-per person ticket price and the $100,000 speaking fee being paid to Sarah Palin, the former Republican vice presidential nominee.”
Did I mention Sarah Palin is still scheduled to speak?
Bachman’s appearance in the OC, on the heels of Obama’s first State of the Union address, recalls her first SOTU address as a member of Congress where she practically manhandled President Bush like a schoolgirl with a crush on the star football player.
I don’t get the joke – I heard all these laughs when Bill Clinton call these people Teabaggers rather than Tea Bag protesters.
look up the term “teabagger” in UrbanDictionary.com; and it’s what TeaPartiers used to call themselves before they realized the other definiton
I get it! – It refers to placing someone’s testacies in their mouth, but he’s using the slang to denigrate political opponents. Kind of ironic coming from an elected official who used a subordinate to perform that sexual act on him in the work place – while on the phone with a General discussing Bosnia. See Star Report. I guess it would have been equally funny to say that Clinton was reaming the taxpayer since that was also a sexual act he had one of his mistresses perform on him in his place of work.
These women really scare the crap out of you libs, don’t they?
Not really; but there are funny
First of all teabaggers are a derogatory term used against Americans with different viewpoints, the word itself garners no credibility to libs using it. Secondly, both bowed out of the convention when they found out it was being financed by an affluent attorney which might create ethical issues for them as members of congress. So both of these ladies practiced integrity of convictions and showed leadership.