Everyone’s favorite Teabagger Rep. Michelle Bachman is coming to Orange County to speak at the Lincoln Club of OC at the end of January. Details about her visit are posted on the group’s website and this copy made me spit out my morning coffee: she is a national security hawk who is speaking out against the Administration’s policy to try terrorists in American courts. She is Nancy Pelosi’s #1 target in the House for her conservative stances on critical issues such as healthcare, national security, and the expansion of government.
Bachman struggles with the truth on a number of issues and fact checkingis her worst enemy.
Bachman personally benefits from government subsidies. She won’t complete a census form when it comes time to do the census. She thinks Democrats are to blame for the swine flu outbreak. And CNN named her “wingnut of the year.” There’s a whole lot of stuff Michelle Bachman says on a regular basis that has no basis in fact. Welcome to the OC Congresswoman!
Want to bet that Bachman holds her seat longer than Pelosi? You clowns are cooked in November.
well, Pelosi is in her 60s and Bachman is in her 40s, so longer from now yes, but longer total, we’ll see. Just how are we cooked in November? What’s the alternative for Republicans? Are voters really going to go back to the party of No, that spent money like no tomorrow and rang up all sorts of debt? Really? We expect to lose a couple of seats, but November won’t be a game changer
Okay Dan – the clown face bit is wearing thin, no yuks there.
Similarly (& quite obviously) BHO, Pelosi & Reid are wearing thin to many, many people.
I could go for one more clown face. How about if you slap one of those on Michelle Martinez?
She deserves that for her clownish behavior in her attempt and subsequent failure to remove a commissioner at the SA clowncil meeting last night.
Teabagger is derogatory term used to minimize decent Americans who value the constitution and personal freedoms. I see the Cloward/Piven strategy is alive and well. Bachman represent values that the majority of Americans hold dear. Pelosi dismisses the will of the peopleand elects to practice elitism. I would prefer a national security hawk who wants to protect my country and me over a clueless, pompous politician.