John A. Pérez To Be Speaker of the California Assembly

Asm. John A. Perez
Asm. John A. Perez

Sacramento, CA — John A Pérez was selected by the unanimous vote of the Democratic Caucus to be the next Speaker of the California Assembly today. Late Wednesday his main competitor for the spot Kevin DeLeon, conceded the contest to Perez. The formal vote of the full Assembly will happen early next year.

As we have reported previously, Perez has strong labor connections in Orange County because of his work as an organizer and Political Director for UFCW 324 based in Buena Park. Perez was honored in January 2009 for his labor leadership by the Democratic Party of Orange County with the Samuel Gompers Award.

With his selection as Speaker, Perez will also hold the distinction of being the first openly gay Speaker of the Assembly. I have know John personally for a number of years. He is a natural leader and consensus builder. I am confident in his ability to do the job, and help lead our state out of the current budget mess.

1 Comment

  1. Congrats, John! I don’t know John myself but people say he’s exceptionally smart and can get the job done.

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