72nd Assembly Special Election Tuesday

Supervisor Chris Norby
Supervisor Chris Norby

They’re rounding the turn coming into the home stretch. Norby and Ackerman are out front battling for the lead and charging from a few lengths behind is MacMurray followed distantly by Faher and Rands.

The race to replace disgraced Republican Assemblyman Mike Duvall has been short in time but long in biting, bitter attacks between the two better funded Republican candidates Linda Ackerman and Chris Norby. Pundits have Norby leading Ackerman followed distantly by Democrat John MacMurray. The main stream press have virtually ignored MacMurray, Faher and Rands, focusing on the battle between the GOP establishment backed candidate Linda Ackerman and County Supervisor Chris Norby.

John MacMurray
John MacMurray

If no candidate gets more than 50% of the vote on Tuesday, there will be a runoff in January between the leading Republican, MacMurray the Democrat, and Rands the Green Party Candidate.

Based upon what I am hearing I do not expect any of the candidates to get the needed 50% plus one necessary to avoid a runoff. My money is on Norby. He has the better name recognition and the negative attacks from Ackerman and her supporters seem to not be sticking to him very much.

There is still time to help out John MacMurray on Tuesday. To find out how you can help visit www.macmurray4the72nd.com.


  1. With Ackerman and Norby splitting the GOP vote, I wouldn’t be surprised to see MacMurray come in second, or even first (but with less than 50% of the vote).

  2. I will be among a crowd watching election returns tonight with John MacMurray. We hope to achieve a clear 50% victory tonight!

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