Jeff Miller: CPAC Legislator of the Year?

Found this on Red County Thursday night as we were wrapping up our weekly Drinking Liberally gathering in Santa Ana at Memphis at the Santora. Posted by Red County’s Tomahawk (a.k.a. Truong “Tyler” Diep, Westminster Councilman) the story had us laughing so hard we had to offer a toast to GOP hypocrisy.

Here is the story, with our thoughts added in “living color.”

Conservatives Name Jeff Miller their Lawmaker
By Mr. Tomahawk | 10/22/09 | 11:46 PM EDT |
Assemblyman Jeff Miller Honored at Western CPAC

Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller

MISSION VIEJO – Assemblyman Jeff Miller has received the Legislator of the Year award at the 2009 Western Conservative Political Action Conference (WCPAC), held October 16-18 in Orange County.

“Jeff Miller is a rock solid, no-nonsense conservative,” said Jim Lacy, WCPAC Chairman.  “His strong and consistent leadership for lower taxes, smaller government and ending wasteful spending make him exactly the kind of representative we need in Sacramento.  In every way, he’s a natural for this award.”

We presume that by claiming that in citing the view that “Jeff Miller is a rock solid, no-nonsense conservative,” they mean his willingness to listen to Mike Duvall’s inappropriate bragging about his unethical failure to adhere to his marriage vows.

We presume Millers “strong consistent leadership”on smaller government and wasteful spending does not account for his inability to prevent the cost of a special election in the 72nd Assembly district to replace his one accomplishment at reducing the size of government by one Assemblyman (Mike Duvall).

Having completed his first year in the Assembly, WCPAC Chairman Jim Lacy added that the group recognized Miller’s efforts to bring a coherent approach to government, particularly pushing back against the flood of job-killing bills and other liberal legislation proposed every year in the State Legislature.

We presume by coherent, they are not talking about being coherent while listening to your colleague Mike Duvall brag about his sexual escapades with an energy industry lobbiest. Our guess is that the liberal legislation he opposed was any enhancement of Assembly ethics rules.

Michael D. Duvall (R)
Michael D. Duvall (R)

Coherent approach to government?



“I’m honored by this award, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve”, said Assemblyman Miller.  “I went to Sacramento to get things done and serve the people of the 71st District, and I believe we have made real progress in helping to get California back on track.”

Grateful for the opportunity to serve? Our guess is that by this Assemblyman Miller means his ability to serve as a sounding board for Mike Duvall’s ideas on ethical behavior with lobbiests and his “service”on the Ethics Committee where he could ignore the ethical failures of his colleague Mike Duvall. Also, “Serving the people of the 71st Assembly district” must mean screwing over those people in the 71st Assembly District.

Assemblyman Jeff Miller represents the 71st Assembly District, which takes in much of Western Riverside County and the Eastern edge of Orange County.