Saw this story by Dena Bunis over at the OC Register about our resident Used Car Salesman (former), Congressman John Campbell.
Consumer groups blast Rep. Campbell’s car dealer exemption
With Rep. John Campbell’s amendment to exempt car dealers from the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency due to be voted on in committee this morning, consumer groups are saying the Irvine Republican has a conflict here and shouldn’t be pushing something for an industry he spent 25 years working in.
The consumer groups, which also include organizations that want election reform, say that Campbell should walk away from his amendment for two reasons. First, because six auto dealerships pay him rent and would benefit from his amendment and he would benefit. And second, that Campbell received $170,000 in campaign contributions from auto dealers since he’s run for Congress.
The groups say Campbell’s personal financial disclosure forms show he received between $600,000 and $6 million in rent last year. Read Dena’s complete story here.
I always knew this guy was a bit slimy, like a Used Car Salesman, but how does he really think this legislation will benefit his constituents? Other than the car dealers of course.
Does anyone know if Campbell ever repaid the State of California for the expensive State car his election  to Congress caused to be sold at a great loss to the state? I recall he had promised to do that. It’s not like he doesn’t have the money.
Congressman John Campbell is being challenged by Irvine City Councilmember Beth Krom.