72nd Special Election: MacMurray taking campaign door to door.

John MacMurray
John MacMurray

John MacMurray is the Democrat running to fill the vacancy in the 72nd Assembly District. You may have read that the previous occupant of that seat left in disgrace. Click here to read the story! While most coverage has been focused on the three Republicans running in the race, little if anything has been reported on the activities of John MacMurray in his effort to fill the 72nd AD vacancy.

It is time to bring back responsible government and elect a representative who will work hard for Orange County residents.

Since we are dealing with a special election, we have a very short window of time to work and get John elected. There is not a lot of money available for the campaign so MacMurray is focusing on taking his message directly to the people of the district.

With only FOUR weekends left until the November 17th open primary, this is a GOTV (Get Out The Vote) campaign. The Campaign needs your help now!

Weekend Precinct Walking and Phonebanking starting Saturday, October 17th and Sunday, October 18th, and EVERY WEEKEND following until the November 17th Special Election.

Meeting Location: Fredrickson Home
610 Laguna Rd., Fullerton
(Off Bastanchury between Euclid and Harbor)

Meeting times:

1st shift 9:30 AM – 1:00 PM
2nd shift 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM

1st shift Noon to 3:00 PM
2nd shift 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Put on your walking shoes to precinct walk, or bring your charged cell phone for calling!

*** If you are coming to phone, you can arrive any time within the scheduled shift hours.
*** Phone lists will also be available to take home for phoning from the comfort of your home.

For questions or to schedule phonebanking, please contact Marion Pack, 949-922-3273, or marionpack@cableone.net

Weekday evening phoning 6:30 – 9:00 PM, Tuesday to Thursday. Location TBA, please call Marion to schedule.

Please come out and help elect another Democrat from Orange County!


  1. MacMurray is a nice enough guy. But the man doesn’t know the first thing about running a political campaign, and frankly I doubt he’s prepared for the state capital. He thinks its all signs or something. I mean come on, with staff like Marion Pack and Chris Fredrickson? Two nice enough people sure, but where is the campaign experience? Everyone was so amped up for Quirk to run and it’s evident that the apparatus is not all that excited for this shy and overly humble man to give his forth try.

  2. Also, I am relieved that Claudio (aka Leaky Brain) isn’t posting as often anymore! It almost hurts to read his blogs!

  3. Revan,

    You are probably right. The problem is the opposition (Hackerman and Norby)have a shitload of money in comparrison to John.

    The OCDP does’nt give a shit about him or the race. Chris’s comment about calling from the “comfort of your own home” says it all.

    If this was Obama or Gay marriage they’d put every effort they had into fucking it it up, but, a winable NOC race. they are too busy patting them selves on the back.

    This loss might rank second to Prop 8 as the biggest BLOWN OPPORTUNITY by the OC DEMS.

    I scratch my head wondering what these guys are thinking.

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