Carona NOT going to Jail Today

Disgraced convicted felon Mike Carona is not going to the federal pen today; he remains free pending the appeal of his case.  The Register has the details here.

Carona’s fnal destination hasn’t been announced, but I’ve love to hear details about the facility once it is.  I’m sure he’ll have a clean, comfortable room, great tasting food and the companionship of good friends who will watch his back while he’s in jail for at least 85 percent of his 66-month sentence.

Since we still don’t know where the Little Sheriff will be headed, here’s a handy-dandy website to answer some questions about the federal prison system. 

From the site: 

The mission of is to comprehensively, yet objectively, educate those individuals who are, or soon will be, confined anywhere in the U.S Bureau of Prisons (BOP) minimum-security Federal Prison Camp system. Secondarily, it will effectively educate any other parties that might have an interest in this particular subject matter. will be designed to thoroughly explain and then illustrate BOP Camp housing facilities, inmate activities, meals, personal safety, and more than 60 other relevant topics, using a “virtual tour” format, that combines the expertise of former U.S. federal and state law enforcement officials with insights and personal experiences derived from former and current Federal Prison Camp inmates.

Here’s a sample chapter on prison hygeine; Mike may not have to worry about dropping the soap.