Santa Ana Considering Tough New Graffiti Ordinance

Santa Ana Graffiti (photo from
Santa Ana Graffiti (photo from

Tonight at 6:00pm in the Santa Ana Police Department Community Room, City Council and staff will review a proposed new ordinance designed to address the problem of graffiti in the city. The proposed ordinance would require restitution for property damage, assess a fine of up to $1,000 and require community service penalties, specifically cleaning up graffiti in the city. The penalties would also be extended to the parents of minor children.

The proposed ordinance was initiated by community members tired of the problem of graffiti in their community. They have worked with the city officials to craft a proposal that they hope will be successful. At the study session tonight, the Council will review the proposal, ask questions, and make modifications prior to hearing the matter at a future Council meeting and voting on the actual ordinance.

Doug Irving of the Orange County Register filed a report on the proposal on Friday. Santa Ana to discuss tougher graffiti law

The meeting is open to the public and begins at 6 p.m. in the Police Department’s community room, 60 Civic Center Plaza.