Comic Book Artists love Barack Obama


ComicCon in San Diego are akin to the high holy days at my home.  It’s the one time a year I embrace my scifi passions with my son and some like minded friends.  We have good routines for covering the show (long sold out by now) and we spend considerable time mapping out plans to contact writers, ask questions about characters and story lines, getting celebrity autographs (Carrie Fisher, Michael Madsen, Lindsay Wagner, Bruce Campbell, Stan Lee, et al) and taking photos of some great costumes. 

Our visit to our favorite Comic Book shop in Tustin yesterday revealed an interesting trend.  The comic book world’s embrace of President Obama.  The story lines are hysterical and include Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and Sarah Palin as major characters.

I’ll be looking for more of these at the show in a week-and-a-half.  Here’s some examples of current covers and pages after the jump:


more after the jump:

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