Disabled activist Christie Rudder, along with two other Orange County activists (see photo at right)  from the Dayle McIntosh Center, was one of 15 people arrested today at the Governor’s office Tuesday evening in Sacramento. Rudder kept me updated on their progress throughout the day while the small but dedicated group prevented access to the Governator’s office.
The action was planned after Schwarzenegger announced that he wanted to fingerprint in home health service providers AND patients to crack down on fraud in the IHSS system. Finger print patients? Smooth move Gov.
At one point, a secret service agent (presumably assigned to the Governor)Â grabbed her by the arm roughly, telling her that she was interfering with his job. Capitol police intervened, lifting her and her wheelchair, turning her completely around so that the agent could pass.
The following is a sampling of Rudder’s excerpts from the day’s protest:
+ At 11 am, a line of 15 people joined arms and using their wheelchairs, blocked the Governor’s offices and then moved to shut down the hallway outside his office.
+ This will be a day we will all remember! I hope the world hears how the power of the disabled conquered the Terminator.
+ The advocates continued to hold the line as they asked to be heard. They are seeking no cuts to human services and IHSS. If these cuts take place, we face force institutionalization and loss of life.Â
+ We were shouting, “hold that line. No one in or out.†The protestors asked to see the Governor and he and his staff refused to talk to us.
+ We want a budget that raises revenue and not cuts alone.
+ Officers were brought in around 6:30 to shut the building down. They told us that those who wanted to be arrested to stay. Those who stayed were cited and released peacefully.
The event was covered in the Sacrament Bee’s Capitol Alert by reporter Jim Sanders. Though he got the start time and incorrect, to the knowledge of Rudder, it seems that most of his report confirms what I followed all day via text messages. You can read Sanders’ account here, or see KCRA’s story and photo here.
we need more people like christie and others like her. the question is, where are they?
If you really want to help people who are disabled, wouldn’t you want to help root out the fraud and waste in IHSS and welfare? That way the money that is being misused can go to people with real needs. These antics seem like an effort to protect the unions. The unions don’t care if you really need the money or not as long as you pay your union dues. Very misleading story.
Respectfully Milo, the fraud and waste argument is a red herring to distract us from the governor’s obstructioninsm over the budget.
Fingerprinting patients/clients is just one more way to treat those in need like second class citizens. It also adds additional costs to an overburdened system.
For those who consider themselves fiscally conservative, it surprises me that they aren’t more supportive of IHSS and related programs. It costs far less to enable people to continue to live independently by providing these services than it does to institutionalize them.
Supporting IHSS makes fiscal sense and is compassionate for those, who through no fault of their own require specialized care, services, and/or equipment, drugs, etc.
Do yourself a favor. Go visit a Dayle McIntosh center and tell me who you would identify as fraudulent. Take the time to know the real people whose lives are at stake before you chime in with mindless talking points.
“Respectfully Milo, the fraud and waste argument is a red herring to distract us from the governor’s obstructioninsm over the budget.
Fingerprinting patients/clients is just one more way to treat those in need like second class citizens. It also adds additional costs to an overburdened system.
For those who consider themselves fiscally conservative, it surprises me that they aren’t more supportive of IHSS and related programs. It costs far less to enable people to continue to live independently by providing these services than it does to institutionalize them.
Supporting IHSS makes fiscal sense and is compassionate for those, who through no fault of their own require specialized care, services, and/or equipment, drugs, etc.
Do yourself a favor. Go visit a Dayle McIntosh center and tell me who you would identify as fraudulent. Take the time to know the real people whose lives are at stake before you chime in with mindless talking points.”
In other words, no. Misha doesn’t care about fraud in the system; as long as she can use the Governor’s “obstructionism” as a scapegoat, she can argue against ANYTHING.
I.E: “the unions are telling me no”
D’Anconia, your attempt to associate the facts with union bias is more of the same sad talking points/propaganda of the right.
Please go read the update sent to us by Budget Committee Chair Noreen Evans before you spout your hate of organized labor: https://theliberaloc.com/2009/07/10/administration-audit-contradicts-governors-ihss-reform-pitch/
One day, maybe you’ll figure out that union labor helps build the middle class and the economy.