After Norm Coleman conceded the 2008 Minnesota Senate race to Al Franken (D), several Fox News hosts expressed bewilderment, disappointment, and denial about the outcome. For instance, Glenn Beck said of Franken’s victory, “[I]t shows how crazy our country has gone.” He added: “[I]t shows that we’ve lost our minds.” Sean Hannity claimed that Franken is “not all there,” and later claimed, “I, in my heart of hearts, do not believe that Al Franken won that election.” And Brian Kilmeade said he’s “in denial” about Franken, who he said was “barely sane.” Gretchen Carlson responded to Kilmeade by again falsely claiming that Coleman “won in the original election.”
As Media Matters for America has documented, Fox News personalities have repeatedly promoted baseless claims of fraud in the Minnesota race and claimed that there was a lack of impartiality in the recount process to accuse Franken of “stealing” the election. However, in its unanimous 5-0 ruling, the Minnesota Supreme Court stated that “[n]o claim of fraud in the election or during the recount was made by either party” and that “Coleman’s counsel confirmed at oral argument that Coleman makes no claim of fraud on the part of either voters or election officials.” The St. Paul Pioneer Press reported that experts said there was a “lack of crookedness in the election” and that Loyola Law School election law professor Rick Hasen “said the court’s ruling Tuesday was so thorough that it also ruled out the possibility that either candidate — or their lawyers — could be accused of stealing the election.” Read more of Fox hosts on Franken victory.
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