We received this from Shiva  Farivar, a candidate for Irvine City Council.
Dear friend and supporter,
After what was a very successful campaign kick-off three weeks ago, I must apologize for the long silence!
Tragic events have taken place since then that have consumed my energy and attention, including what has been happening in Iran. In that regard, I wanted to let you know, if you have not heard already, that there will be a vigil taking place tomorrow night (Thursday)Â at Irvine City Hall, from 6pm-8pm. This rally is in honor of all those who have been killed ever since the demonstartions started about two weeks ago, symbolized in the death of Neda, that was captured on camera.
We will have members from different organizations give statements. We are encouraging everyone to attend, so that we can demonstrate that the support for the Iranian people reaches far beyond the Iranian-American community and is widespread.
Thank you for your support!