Santa Ana, CA — ECCO, Harvey Milk Stonewall Democrats of Orange County, HRC, Orange County Equality Coalition, Team Courage and LGBT community allies are joining forces this evening at the screening of OUTRAGE at 7 pm to give a brief overview of plans for Decision Day on Tuesday when the California Supreme Court hands down the decision on Proposition 8.
Harvey Milk Stonewall – OCÂ leader John Santoianni commented, “As President of the Harvey Milk Stonewall Democrats, I would like to commend all of our members and allies who are fighting every day to make sure that gays are afforded the same basic human rights, including marriage rights, that our fellow heterosexual citizens have.
Whatever decision comes down from the court on Tuesday, we will continue to work towards this goal. Everyone here at HMSDOC hopes the court will have the courage of its convictions and overturn Proposition 8. Marriage equality will become a reality. It may not happen this Tuesday, but it will. With hard work, dedication, and, as Harvey Milk always said, hope, we can accomplish our goal of equality for all here in California and in the United States.”
ECCO Chair, Jim Rogers called to add, “Tuesday marks a milestone in the fight for equality in California. There is only one decision the court can make that is fair and just for all people. The LGBT community and ECCO hope that the California Supreme Court decision will once and for all make it clear that all citizens of our state are equal in all matters.”
The movie screening is a fundraiser hosted by ECCO and Harvey Milk Stonewall Milk – OC to assist with outreach and education efforts on behalf of the Orange County LGBT community.
Thank you to all of the people who turned out last night in support of our community. We had more than 60 in attendance. I want to thank the Regency 3 theater management for supporting our community and his generous offer to help us with our fundraiser.