OCEC/EQCA Orange County Townhall Review

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PooEhBxh0NY[/youtube] This last Thursday Orange County Equality Coalition (OCEC) held a townhall meeting at Santa Ana College in an effort to update the public on the possible decisions that will be rendered by the California Supreme Court and what those would entail for Equality California (EQCA).

EQCA’s Executive Director Geoff Kor’s also took the opportunity to introduce EQCA’s new California Marriage Director Marc Solomon, who was previously the Political Director for MassEquality, the organization which successfully lead the fight for Marriage Equality in the Massachusetts Legislature. Marc Solomon brings with him gay marriage’s “secret weapon” which is a state-wide field program. It’s an initiative that appears to be equitable to the 50 state strategy, they plan on hiring 26 field managers that would lead the marriage campaign locally, and they also rolled out new ads that include gay couple’s (one such couple was Hispanic, I was happy to see that they were showcasing minorities) with children.

Lambda Legal’s Co-Council in Strauss V. Horten (LGBT’s challange to Prop.8) also spoke about what the options for California’s Supreme Court, which included the following:

Option A:  Win-Win          C.S.C. nullifies Prop 8 and re-affirms legal same-sex marriages performed before Prop. 8

Option B:  Lose-Win         C.S.C. re-affirms Prop 8’s legality, but renders marriages performed prior to Prop as legal and valid.

Option C:  Lose-Lose       C.S.C.  reaffirms Prop 8 and nullifys marriages performed before it’s inception.

The Court is believed to render it’s decision any day now on either a Wednesday or Friday (the days the court releases it opinions) with 24 hour notice on the decisions being rendered on those respective days.