Pelosi on Tax Relief for Middle Class

Pelosi on Tax Day: Millions of Americans Will See Tax Cuts This Year Thanks to Economic Plan of Congress and Obama

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement on Tax Day.

“Millions of Americans will see their taxes cut this year thanks to the economic plan of the New Direction Congress and President Obama.  We enacted the fastest tax cut in history—the Making Work Pay Tax Credit—that workers are already seeing in their paychecks.  To spur economic growth and lay a foundation for stronger economy, the recovery plan includes tax incentives for new, job-creating investments by American businesses and the American Opportunity College Tax Credit to help millions of students afford college.

“The House-passed budget provides an additional $1.5 trillion in tax cuts for the middle class, protects middle-class families from the Alternative Minimum Tax, and provides incentives to small business to create jobs.

“Congress and President Obama are committed to a fairer tax code that helps working families and small businesses and encourage job creation, all within the framework of a fiscally responsible budget that will cut the deficit by two-thirds in five years.”

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Attached is a fact sheet on tax cuts in the recovery package and the House passed budget.  For state by state information on the Making Work Pay tax relief go to: