Twittering the Town Hall today

Several of us from the Liberal OC will be at the Obama Town Hall this afternoon; In between taking photos with my huge zoom lens, I will be Twittering from the event.  My Twitter ID is TecFlack, so follow my posts later today.  I’m sure Chris will Twitter from the LiberalOC account which you can add by clicking the link opn our homepage.


  1. dan,
    dont take this the wrong way, but with all the fuss over getting tickets to the town hall, how did you and chris prevatt get tickets so easily? im just asking out of curiosity generated by the lengths some people went through to get one and didnt.

  2. ok dan. I was just asking out of curiosity. i knew it would come off as conspiratorial but trust me it wasnt meant to be. Congrats on the tix.

  3. I’d be careful about that.
    If as publicly stated, this Town Hall is a government and not a political trip, “Party Hacks” should have to wait in line and take their chances just like everybody else.
    Sounds like someone wasn’t so truthful.

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