Marcario Appointed to Commission

robin_headshotwebLast night, former candidate for Garden Grove City Council Robin Marcario was appointed by the City COuncil to the Neighborhood Improvement and Conservation Commission.

This seven-member commission recommends programs to improve and preserve neighborhoods through zoning enforcement, housing rehabilitation, street improvement and other programs. The commission also recommends projects to be funded by the federal Community Development Block Grant Program and oversees the program. Block Grant funds are designed to aid cities in renovating neighborhoods. The commission also hears protests of violations of City codes or ordinances pertaining to neighborhood improvements.

Our congratulation to Robin on her appointment.


  1. Jubal seems to be making a big deal out of miss marcarios ballot stealing issues. I wonder, how would chris prevatt defend this marcario lady if he had a back bone over that issue? and how would prevatt compare, if he had a backbone, the ballot stealing by marcario, vs the ;etter thing that hurt janet nguyen that paul Lucas signed?
    Prevatt, are you there? Do you have a backbone cabron?

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