Caroline Kennedy Ends her Unorthodox Senate Appointment Bid

Caroline Kennedy InsidersReuters and CNN have reported that Caroline Kennedy has ended her bid to be appointed as Senator Hillary Clinton’s replacement in the Senate.

Perhaps she caught wind from the Governor’s office that Andrew Cuomo was the choice Peterson plans to announce on Saturday?

Does this mark the end of the Kennedy political Dynasty? It seems like even the Kennedy’s and the Clinton’s can’t afford to take family names for granted in the 21st Century.


  1. As I noted a couple of weeks ago, the Kennedy appointment was just a possibility, not a probability. Reportedly Pattgerson didn't think she was ready for prime time. If indeed Gillebrand gets the nod she's a better choice.

    • Indeed you did. too bad you couldn't take it to the bank by predicting that she would wuss-out and drop out all together. At least I learned the correct usage of possibility and probability! Thanks for that

  2. Frankly I'm surprised that she pulled out of the race. What was the reason for that? I can't help thinking that it isn't the end of the Kennedy reign. It seems like their always pulling another one out of the background from somewhere.

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