REMINDER: Saddleback Church Protest This Sunday!

Hey, everyone. I just wanted to remind you that our protest at Saddleback Church is this Sunday. We’ll start at 10:00 AM, and everyone will be going directly to the church.

Fortunately, President-Elect Obama has been somewhat responsive to the outcry over Rick Warren giving the opening prayer at his inauguration. Unfortunately, Warren will still be praying (or preying?) to the nation & be given a national platform to spew out H8. And worse yet, Warren has refused to apologize for his false slanders against LGBT people & he still considers granting full civil rights to LGBT people “immoral”.

What’s really immoral, however, is the suffering that gay & lesbian couples have had to endure since the passage of Prop H8. And despite Rick Warren claiming to be “nonpartisan”, he played an active role in causing this suffering by promoting H8. If he really shared President-Elect Obama’s concern about the painful divisions in this nation, he’d stop dividing the country according to the “sinners” & the “saved”. This is why we’ll be out en masse on Sunday, taking our message of equal rights for all directly to Saddleback parishioners & the larger Foothill Ranch community.

If you’d like to join us, please sign up here. I hope to see you on Sunday!


  1. Just like in the days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah shall it be at the end of times and those are now. Thanks to all gays and lesbians the end of this world will come to fruition and just like in Sodom and Gomorrah you shall burn in hell. You are the main cause for the condition the country finds itself, specially California, and in the rest of the world. You are noting but abortions of nature trying to justify your aberration and abomination that surely has brought about AIDS. That is the reason as to why a cure will never be found. It is a curse from God on you. You may laugh now but we will see at the end.

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