In case you forgot, the California Democratic Party Delegate Caucuses are this weekend. You can still go to to find out when & where your caucus will be. You can also fill out the form to pre-register for your local caucus.
I’m sure you all remember that I’m a candidate in the 69th Assembly District. For all of you who are also running, or just attending, would you like to exchange live updates from the caucuses over the weekend? I’ll be Twittering AD 69 tomorrow, and I hope you join the conversation on Twitter this weekend.
So please stop by my Twitter feed tomorrow, and feel free to let me know about what’s happening in your district. 🙂
60th AD (84 ballots cast) Caucus Winners are as follows:
Women – 8 Candidates
Susan Freeze (tied for top female vote getter – 3ed overall) La Habra
Aylyn (sounds like Island) Kuzucan (tied for top female vote getter – 3rd overall) Villa Park
Dot DeLeon – Diamond Bar
Olivia Lee – Walnut
Denise Clendening – Chino Hills
Peggye Jackson – Diamond Bar
Men – 16 Candidates
Clark Lee (top vote getter & EBoard Representative) Walnut
Scott Natsuhara (#2 overall vote getter) Anaheim Hills
Arnold Lee – Walnut
Bob Vogt – Anaheim Hills
Charles Schofield – Diamond Bar?
Dushyant Bala – Anaheim Hills
My congratulations to the Winners!
To those who did not make it this year – great job! We do this again in 2 years. In the interim, anyone who did not get elected – get involved in your local Democratic Club if you are not already involved. Truly – the more, the merrier!
Everyone who attended is a WINNER in my book!!!
In the 69th AD, 12 were elected:
Women –
Irene Ibarra
Valerie Amezcua (Executive Board Rep.)
Van Le
Michelle Martinez (may be appointee of Congresswoman Sanchez)
Martha Lopez
Gloria Alvarado
Men –
Andrew Davey
Berny Enriquez
Carl Weibel
Richard Alfaro
Zeke Hernandez
Mario Guerrero
Congratulations to all who participated!
68th AD delegates:
Women –
Tammy Tran
Linh Ho
Denise Velasco
Misha Houser
My-Dung Tran
Men –
Craig Beauchamp
Nick Veach
Nathan Gonzalez
Benny Diaz
Erik Sjobek
Jamison Power
William Wood
KimChi Nguyen
Terrence Truong
E-Board: Gus Ayer
I thought I read that Craig was a woman with a unique name.
71st AD results in order of vote total
1) Jason Varvas
2)Ron Shepston
2)John Hanna
4)Lili Laghai
4)Joe Kerr
6)Nargess Rabii
7)Victoria Ainsworth
8)Ray Verches
9)Anne Andrews
10)Ron Spellman
11)Brenda Bell
12)Cynthia Denning
Joe Kerr was elected the E-Board Rep.
Chris, you made a mistake on the 68th. Craig Beauchamp is a woman! Otherwise, the names are correct.