Virginia Governor Tim Kaine will be the next DNC Chief

Breaking: The New York Times reports that Pres. Elect Barack Obama has chosen Tim Kaine to succeed Howard Dean as DNC Chief. Tim Kaine was widely believed to be one of Barack Obama’s top choices for VP, especially since he was  the first Governor to endorse Obama early on in the primary season.


Kaine will finish his term as Virginia Governor which expires in 2009, and leave the day to day operations of the DNC to an executive director, a practice which is apparently very common, until he terms out. This is another well thought out, and frankly brilliant move by the Pres. Elect, which is going to serve to put Virginia further into the democratic column.

This is a magnificent choice, as Kaine remarkably has a very similar political style as Howard Dean as they both have a populist aura about them. The best news about all of this? Kaine enthusiastically embraces the 50 state strategy. Republicans across the country are bracing themselves for what is surely to be another great era of Democratically lead prosperity.

***I should probably note, that on Nov. 11, 2008 Howard Dean stated that he would not seek re-appointment to his position from the incoming Obama Administration. No words yet on Howard Dean’s future.


  1. Steve,
    Do you know when the next dnc elections are and how that is structured? Who can run, is it by cd or ad, ad when is the elections for dnc persons?

  2. The next election for California’s DNC members will be in 2012. 19 California DNC members were elected in June of 2008 for a 4 year term by the CDP Executive Board.. 14 other Californian’s are DNC members because of their particular status(Boxer, Feinstein, Torres, etc).

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