New York’s Assembly Speaker, who has been a vocal critic of Caroline Kennedy has come out and said, “There is a good possibility she will be the appointee of the Governor,” and, “If she is the apointee of the Governor, I will certainly be supportive of her, I will work for her, and work strenuously for her election.”
For those who haven’t been following Caroline Kennedy’s campaign to be appointed Senator, this comes after both the NY Times, and The NY Post criticized her with controversial editorials which lambasted her by stating “the wheels of the bandwagon are coming off”, and, “she seemed less like a candidate than an idea of one: eloquent but vague, largely undefined and seemingly determined to remain that way.” Â Both of those were in editorials in the Times. The NY Post was not much kinder; they put her on their list of 2008’s losers.
President-Elect Obama publicly supports her campaign to be appointed Senator. That should hardly be surprising though/ Â Many people credit Caroline (myself included) for bringing the Kennedy Clan over to Camp Obama. I think the only thing that can de-rail her appointment at this point would be for Hillary Clinton to publicly support someone else, or to denounce her as a candidate altogether, which at this point is highly unlikely. We will once again have two Kennedys in the US Senate.
I like what Kennedy said in her video, I don’t know what all the beeping was for though. I’m all for having 2 Kennedys once again in the Senate. I agree with Steve that it is very unlikely for Clinton to denounce her.
Well Jennifer, you know, listen to the video again. And then, you know, wash it down with the NYT editorial.
Mr. Perez, I suspect Ted Kennedy would have jumped on board the Obama Train regardless of any influence by niece Caroline. At least after Iowa. He was no fan of Bill Clinton and was caught up in the historical nature of the Obama candidacy. He probably would have joined up sooner but for the candidacy of his friend Chris Dodd.
It’s New York’s choice, not ours, and if Patterson wants to play the plutocracy or aristocracy card, c’est la vie. I’m not certain Mayor Bloomberg’s flacks are right about this being inevitable. The Assembly Speaker may be right as a ” good possibility” is still less than 50%.. But Patterson ignores Andrew Cuomo, who does possess the political and governmental bona fides Caroline lacks, at his peril. If Andrew is not in a position to run for election to an appointed U.S. Senate seat, his next best option may be to run against Patterson for the Governor’s spot.
Bladerunner, where did you hear that “good possibility” = >50%? that’s a ridiculous assertion. Good possibility means good possibility, if anything I would say its = +50% lol
Mr. Perez— If it’s over 50% its a probability. Less than 50% is a possibility.