According to CNN Al Franken has taken the lead in his senatorial campaign against incumbant Senator Norm Coleman! Apparently his lead evaporated into the single digits yesterday, and Franken now has a lead of 102 votes. Seems like GOP operatives might have accidentally been vote qualifiers, and they might have accidentally disqualified hundreds of votes that were in Franken’s favor, accidentally. Minnesota’s SOS today stated that he and the rest of the state board that are reviewing disqualified ballots will not end their work day until they finish! Which, ofcourse means that I also will not go to bed until they finish. I was a fan of Al’s radio show, and he has an intelligent tenacity about him, which will undoubtedly result in a extremely effective and influential US Senator.
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The Star Tribune now reports Franken’s lead is 283.
This is a great day. i wish all the best to Al Franken. He took a beating from the opposition who tried to discredit him by blasting the aorwaves with his comedy skits trying to paint him as a less than serious candidate. Im glad people saw through that. Does anyone know off hand know the head count to the veto proff majority? Does Franken put us over the top?
Interestingly enough, I wonder where CNN heard that the SOS wasn’t going to stop until he counted them all, because sadly he did. I was watching it live and he stopped fairly early.