About That Ballot Measure “Q” in Garden Grove

There are still probably a few votes left to count in Garden Grove regarding the term limit extension measure “Q” which was on the ballot November 4th.

At this point the vote count has the measure passing by 9 votes.

Here is the detail on Measure Q:

Measure Q

Amend the city of Garden Grove’s term limits.

What it would do: Amend the city’s term limits ordinance to reduce the time a two-term council member must sit out before running again, from four years to two years.

Chief proponents: Mark Rosen, mayor pro tem; Bruce Broadwater, city councilman; Charles Mitchell, service officer with American Legion Post 555.

Chief opponents: Mayor William Dalton, City Councilwoman Dina Nguyen.

Main arguments in favor: Measure Q would allow the mayor and council members to be treated equally. A two-term council member has to sit out four years before being able to run again, while a mayor has to sit out two years.

Main arguments against: Voters already approved term limits. Measure Q would have no benefits to the taxpayers, only to politicians.

1 Comment

  1. Measure Q is now winning by a mere 19 votes. Looks like Mark Rosen will be running for office in Garden Grove in the next election.

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