I’m always curious about how people experience voting.
We’re about halfway through the day now. Was it smooth? Did you have any problems? Was there ample parking available at your polling place?
If you were there early, was it open promptly at 7 am? Did the poll workers know what they were doing? Were they friendly and welcoming? Was there a line? How long? What time did you go? Did they offer you a paper ballot option? Or let you request one? Was there anything else that went well or seemed wrong?
We want to know.
Please report it by commenting here!
And if you haven’t been to your polling place yet – Go early. Take your kids along (it sets a good civic example for them). Be prepared to wait. Know your rights. If you are at the wrong location or they can’t find your name on the list or you’ve moved (from another location in OC) ask for a Provisional Ballot. If you are in line by 8 pm, you must be allowed to vote!
Remember, people have protested, lived in fear, and died so you can have this vote.
If you voted by mail this year, it is TOO LATE to mail it in. You can turn it in personally at any polling place in OC. If you mailed it in last week, you can check the status of your ballot here.