Fullerton: Sunday’s No on 8 Rally

One of our readers was kind enough to send me some pictures from the No on 8 Rally that was held in front of Eastside Christian Church, next to Cal State Fullerton, on Sunday afternoon 10/26/08. If you were there, please comment and share with our readers your experience.

Fullerton No on 8 Rally

Fullerton No on 8 Rally
Fullerton No on 8 Rally
Fullerton No on 8 Rally
Fullerton No on 8 Rally
Fullerton No on 8 Rally
Fullerton No on 8 Rally


  1. today was EPIC.
    there were sooo many people. and so many things happened that left me pretty shocked.
    here’s a recount of some events.

    -no on prop 8 people were ALWAYS the bigger crowd

    -yes on prop 8 side was FILLED with kids, kids yelling from cars, kids holding signs, it was disgusting.

    -no on prop 8 people got verbally harrassed, i personally heard the following.. “you cant procreate, faggot!”.. “i’d rather be a bigot than a faggot”.. some man even compared homosexuality to pedophilia and bestiality to my FACE.

    – no on prop 8 people also harrassed and did some name calling! c’mon guys that’s sinking to their level! hate cannot erase hate, only love can. let’s respond with love!

    -i walked over to the yes on 8 side, told everyone that we loved them and signaled a peace sign.. most snarled at me, others ignored me, some started preaching hate to me.. but there were a nice few who could say they loved us too.

    to those of you fellow prop 8 opponents who were there today and enjoyed having a voice and getting the message out, there will be another NO on prop 8 rally in buena park on tuesday (october 28th) on beach and crescent at 4pm.
    hope to see everyone there!!!


  2. Hmmm, interesting account from the guy above. I was there on the other side of the issue, and I took video and stills of what happened yesterday.

    The fact is that there were between about 150-200 yes on 8 supporters at the rally, which you can’t see in the pictures that are posted because the pictures are only from the street. I’d say there were only about 40 people on the NO side.

    I stood next to many NO supporters on the street and during that time I didn’t see one person on my side make any such comments. And I seriously doubt those comments were made, as most Yes on 8 supporters are kind, decent and loving people.

    But hey, nice try in trying to make it look like the No side had more people there and were “being abused” – nothing is farther from the truth, and I have video and pictures of my own to prove it.

  3. 40 people on the No side? Yeah right. What time were you there? I was there from 430 to 730 and there was bout 3x as many NO supporters than YES supporters and I think anyone there can vouch for that. Cmon, the whole street from associated down was lined with NO supporters and there was even a good amount of no supporters on the yes “side”.

    That is just ridiculous to make such a claim. At best, there might have been an even amount of supporters from both sides at one point.

    (not to mention about 1/3 of the yes supporters there were children who were forced to hold yes on 8 signs).


  4. I was there yesterday as well and NO on 8 had by far the most supporters out on the street, which is funny because it was Yes on 8’s bus tour. The Yes on 8’s crowd had a lot of children holding signs which is so sad since they have no idea of their sexuality yet and the choices of their parents now could affect them greatly in the future. The kids were also out really late for a Sunday standing on the street with their parents when they should have been home eating dinner and getting ready for school on Monday. If the rally yesterday was any indication of how the polls will go Nov 4th, then 8 will definitely not pass.

  5. I think Stacy was blind and didn’t see the whole picture through her camera view finder window. We must have had over 200 NO Supporters vs the 150 Yes supporters. The Fullerton Police also accounted more No Supporters than Yes.

    There weren’t that many problems on either side. Words were exchanged on both sides, but it was overall a peaceful event.

    There were a couple of YES supporters on the dirt lot side that were preaching that homosexuality was wrong and against gods teachings. I ignored their ignorant statements and smiled and stood my ground.

    Many of the church Yes supporters were friendly and there are a few that were mentioned in the 1st comments as verbally bashing the NO supporters.

    The police kept them from overstepping their bounds.

  6. I thought the rally went very well, and it was my experience that both sides conducted themselves in an honorable manner. I have posted what few pictures I did take, which are mostly before everyone got there.

    I’m just thankful that we all live in America were we can hold rallies and stand on the street to express our views. And even though I don’t agree with the No on 8 side, I did enjoy hanging out with YOU all 🙂

  7. Rev. Joe Baytzim. You are that anti-Mormon minister who is opposing Prop 8 mainly because the Mormon church backs it.

    I’m glad you oppose Prop 8, but your reasons aren’t much better than the anti-gay bigots pushing 8.

    For allies, I’d rather have the many good dissident Mormons who, while taking their faith seriously, are defying their church’s hierarchy and risking censure or excommunication for standing up for civil rights. Mormons like Chino Blanco, and the ones I met protesting Schubert-Flint.

  8. i was in big bear this weekend and about 50 people were holding up yes on 8 signs and while i was stopped at the intersection i gave them the thumbs down sign and the 2 people that were closest to my truck said: “god bless you” and “i will pray for you!” i guess they must think that if i agree that all people should have the right to get married i must need prayer. what a bunch of loons. theres a reason christians were fed to the lions back in the day.

  9. Prop 8 FORCES the christian religion on everyone, actually resulting is LESS religious freedoms. This would deteriorate the fundamental core of our country’s existence- people came to America to flee religious views that were imposed on them AGAINST their will. How is it right to do the same thing today? Second, the law should treat everyone equally. Did you know that in 1967 about 70% of Californians opposed interracial marriage? The court ruled that same year it was unconstitutional to ban it. No matter how you feel about marriage, it is NOT right to treat people differently under the law. Before Brown v. Board of Education we had segregation and the truth is, most people supported it. What the “majority” of people think doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the RIGHT thing, as history has shown us. Can you imagine if today you were not able to marry the person you love because they have a different color skin than yours? Or if your child’s classroom was still divided by race? How would you feel if you couldn’t marry the person YOU love?

  10. Yesterday, my wife Zan and I were at the No on 8 rally near CSUF. Across the street was a Yes on 8 rally at a church. We arrived at 3:15 in the afternoon and the No on 8 was getting into full swing while there were only a few Yes on 8 people there. We left as the sun was setting and both streets were packed, probably around 6:30. Here is what I witnessed happening. We had a huge turnout for No on Prop 8 and had easily double the numbers of the Yes on 8. Of the cars, motorcycles and bicyclists that passed, we received the greater support of thumbs up and honking. We had a large turn out of college aged who waved their No on Prop 8 signs and banners right alongside those in their 30’s to 80’s! A local church brought their church banner to show their support against Prop. 8. The Yes on 8 people, being another church group, didn’t seem to like that so they went across the street and stood in front of the banner attempting to block our side’s church sign. They became enveloped by No on 8 signs so they couldn’t misrepresent the church supporting us. Police were there patrolling to keep the peace. They didn’t interfere while we were there. Did things get heated? Yes, at times words were exchanged between individuals on both sides and those around encouraged everyone to keep it peaceful. People are passionate so it’s difficult at times to keep tempers in check. Here are some things that I don’t understand. For one, let’s start with the Yes on 8 signs. Some of the signs I saw: “Prop 8 = Parental Rights,” “Prop 8 = Less Government,” “Prop 8 Protects the Family.” First, “Parental Rights,” not sure where to start on that one. Guess I’d have to ask them how it protects parental rights. If, by chance, it is in reference to what is taught in public school about marriage and sexuality, parents have a say in California about what their child is taught and can opt out. Other states education laws are not California’s education laws, you CAN’T compare the two! Next, “Less Government,” isn’t ammending the California Constitution making MORE government interference? It would also be costly, as in $$$$, something that California has NONE of right now! And speaking of $$$$, if this is an issue in California, why is the Yes on 8 money pouring in from out of the state and in particular special interest group Focus on the Family? Lastly, “Protects the Family.” Whose family? How? It certainly won’t protect mine, it only threatens it! Are they so obtuse to think that if same sex couples can’t marry that their children can’t turn out to be homosexual, bisexual or transgendered? A heterosexual, Christian couple who didn’t believe in homosexuality RAISED ME!!!! I’m sad that they’re so threatened by it that they struggle so much. It truly is sad. Christianity teaches to LOVE THY NEIGHBOR (and even your enemies) and DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS. Yet as Zan and I stood at the rally with our signs and she shouted across to them, “We love you” they were never able to say it back. Instead, we were called “fags” and were flipped off frequently. We saw only one TV camera there and unfortunately it was FOX, owned by the Republican GOP. Their biased coverage showed the YES on 8 supporters praying together at their bus and very small group of about 5 No on 8 supporters who were angry and telling someone off (I think it was the cameraman). SHAME ON FOX 11 NEWS!!!! Show the truth and both sides of a story! Remember FACT? Fast, Accurate, Concise and TRUE?! Just before Zan and I left the rally, we were approached by a man in his 30’s who asked us why we were there. Zan started talking to him. When she offered him a No on 8 sign, he informed us that he was voting Yes on 8 because he believes in “traditional marriage.” When he asked why we were voting no, we were up front about being a lesbian couple but also explained how domestic partnerships differ from marriage and how our rights have changed for the better by becoming married. Simple things like employment benefits as many California companies don’t offer Domestic Partnership benefits. If they do, your partner’s benefit costs come out after taxes, not before. It changes a couple’s economics and that’s the simple stuff. We explained how the California Teachers Association and California Nurses Association urge NO on Prop 8, as well as many others including many churches, major newspapers, workers’ unions, etc. He admitted that he hadn’t known all of that. I don’t know if we changed his mind. We may not have. I can respect people’s beliefs and their needing to vote that way but I would want them to be informed about their vote and how it effects others. Is what they’re voting for truly what they want? Our No on Prop 8 signs were simple: that it’s “UNFAIR AND WRONG”, “No on Prop. H8 (hate),” “Prop 8 = Discrimination.” If proposition 8 passes, it would change the California Constitution to state that marriage is only valid between a man and woman. That has already been found by the California Supreme Court to be discrimination! Why would we ever want to put discrimination in our Constitution when it’s there to ensure our rights and freedom? Prop 8 runs contrary to the very ideal of our state’s Constitution.
    Show your support and get out and vote NO on Prop 8 on November 4th

  11. https://theliberaloc.com/2008/10/27/fullerton-no-on-8-rally/

    My girlfriend and were at the rally and, although I have definitely have experienced discrimination before; this was my first time facing HATE.

    As we stood across the street from the supporters of proposition 8, one of their perishoners drove by screaming out the window at us: “YOU CAN’T PROCREATE! GO TO HELL! F*CK YOU!!!”

    Mind you, this woman had children in her car and had just left church services.

    Now, in respect of the argument of “you can’t procreate” – does that mean that straight couples who are not able to have children shouldn’t get married either? And what about the numerous children in foster care as a result of (irresponsible) procreation?

    The scary thing about this proposition that people NEED to understand is that it is not to illegalize gay marriage, but rather proposing that it be WRITTEN IN THE CONSTITUTION for marriage to be definted ONLY by a man and woman. Our judicial court system’s job is to uphold the constituion so in the reality of it all, this means that IF passed, our judicial system will HAVE TO uphold this, as it is their duty.

    What people are failing to understand is that this is NOT about GAY MARRIAGE rights. This is about EQUAL HUMAN RIGHTS. And to propose this be written in the constitution is potentially taking away fundemental HUMAN rights.

    Years ago, blacks had their drinking fountains (hoses) and whites had their drinking fountains.

    Separate, but NOT equal.

    Some rights that we might not get or would find it more difficult to get if this proposition passed:

    – Joint parental rights of children
    – Joint adoption
    – Status as “next-of-kin” for hospital visits and medical decisions
    – Right to make a decision about the disposal of loved ones remains
    – Immigration and residency for partners from other countries
    – Crime victims recovery benefits
    – Domestic violence protection orders
    – Judicial protections and immunity
    – Automatic inheritance in the absence of a will
    – Public safety officers death benefits
    – Spousal veterans benefits
    – Social Security
    – Medicare
    – Joint filing of tax returns
    – Wrongful death benefits for surviving partner and children
    – Bereavement or sick leave to care for partner or children
    – Child support
    – Joint Insurance Plans
    – Tax credits including: Child tax credit, Hope and lifetime learning credits
    – Deferred Compensation for pension and IRAs
    – Estate and gift tax benefits
    – Welfare and public assistance
    – Joint housing for elderly
    – Credit protection
    – Medical care for survivors and dependents of certain veterans

    Give the equal human right of marriage, and we’ll all fall under the same umbrella.
    No healthcare benefits for significant others unless married.
    I think we can call it even at that point.
    I’m down for equal human rights. Anyone else?


  12. Please let me know what churches were against Prop 8 in Orange County, if any. I don’t want to go to a church like Saddleback, where discrimination is nurtured. I am not gay, but I’m not ignorant either…

  13. Gretchen: the Unitarian Universalist Association and the General Synod of the United Church of Christ are among the faith groups who have filed a petition with the California Supreme Court asking that Prop 8 be invalidated. The Unitarian Universalist Association has long been committed to full marriage equality, as has the United Church of Christ.

    You can find a UUC congregation here, and you can locate a Unitarian Universalist Congregation here.

    (Note that on the UUA’s congregation locator page you can search for “Welcoming Congregations.” Although all UU congregations welcome LGBT persons, those which are officially designated Welcoming Congregations have completed congregation-wide training about learning to honor and respect LGBT individuals.)

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