Obama Leads McCain in Newspaper Endorsements

It’s not even close.  And remember, the Liberal media is only as Liberal as their conservative publishers allow them to be.

From the story:

The Obama-Biden ticket maintains its strong lead in the race for daily newspaper endorsements, by 115 to 37, a better than 3-1 margin, picking up 70 or more papers in the past three days, including (see separate stories), the Detroit Free Press, Buffalo News, Cleveland’s Plain Dealer, Palm Beach (Fla.) Post, New York’s Daily News, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer, Portland’s The Oregonian, Denver Post, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Salt Lake Tribune, Kansas City Star, and Chicago Sun-Times.

In a real shocker, two solid Bush papers in 2004, the Houston Chronicle and Austin American-Statesman, also came out for Obama today. So did the more traditionally Democratic the News & Obsever in Raleigh and the Orlando Sentinel, both in key battleground states.

Obama’s lopsided margin, including most of the major papers that have decided so far, is in stark contrast to John Kerry barely edging George W. Bush in endorsements in 2004 by 213 to 205.