Garden Grove, CA — This morning at the main post office in Garden Grove, voters were contributing to their own informal poll by tossing political mailers in the branch’s trash bins. The overwhelming numbers of Trung Nguyen and Steve Jones mailers may be an indication of voter preferences.
A few Andrew Do mailers were also seen in the bins, but it was reported to The Liberal OC that the majority of rejected mailers belonged to Steve Jones and Trung Nguyen. Could this be a harbinger of things to come?
I think that that would be an indication of the consultants working on these campaigns bumping up their per piece margin by maiing to adresses with PO Boxes instead of residential adresses.
When doing a mailing, the campaign uses the Voter Registration lists. The street address and mailing address are both listed.
A proper mailing sends to the mailing address so as not to annoy the voters. It has nothing to do with the consultants.
People who choose to receive mail at PO boxes also vote.
I’m wondering if the photo shows Trung and Jones mailers because those were the ones that were received on Saturday.
I really doubt it’s a sign of anything.
I received mailers from both Trung and Andrew Do at my home address and my PO Box which happens to be at this very same post office. It is also the mailing address of the Linh Ho campaign. So I’m not sure if it an indiscriminate shotgun method of mailing or if it is targeted for a certain population but I got two mailers of each mailer sent out by both campaigns.
I have yet to receive a mailer from Steve Jones. So he is either targeting or mailing to a certain geographic area. Because I know he has been mailing the west side.
It may also be that Dave Gilliard who is running Dos campaign and is hitting all high propensity voters. Or it may be that Steve Jones consultant Dennis Desnoo is targeting GOP white voters on the west side.