From Party to Protest: My, What a Weekend!



Wow, what a weekend we’ve had! I started the day on Saturday meeting so many of the heroes I look up to. I ended the day last night with my feet worn out after a long day hitting the pavement. I guess the excitement never ends when you’re a Democrat in Orange County!

Details below the fold… 😉





How many of you made it to the OCYD Clinton Awards on Saturday? Wasn’t it amazing? This was my first time attending, and oh my, what a blast it was! Those Young Democrats know how to party!

Oh yes, and we were among quite the luminaries as well! Our own wonderful Rep. Loretta Sanchez was there to receive the Clinton Award for her exemplary service to the community. She moved
me to tears with her speech on the “forgotten working poor” in Orange County. Outsiders may just see us all as rich celebrity wannabes with ocean view McMansions and brand new BMWs and multiple appointments to the plastic surgeon every month, but we so often forget those in the
county who struggle to just get out of the house without getting shot and struggle to maintain two
or three jobs while raising kids and paying the bills. I’m glad Loretta Sanchez reminded us of that.

I’m also glad I had a chance to meet San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom. He’s a true profile in courage. When the conventional wisdom of only four years ago said that no aspiring politician could ever be seen supporting “gay marriage”, Mayor Newsom started the ball rolling on marriage equality here in California. Thanks to his actions in that lovely City by the Bay, I may one day be able to marry the one I love.

Oh yes, and OCYD honored some “Andrew Davey” fellow with the Young Democrat of the Year award. Why did he get it? I have no clue. Maybe it will go to someone more deserving next year. 😉




After the awards ceremony, I had to rush to get changed! I had a protest to attend. You see, John McCain’s running mate Sarah Palin dropped into town to grab some money and go. My friends and I just wanted to make sure she saw our support… For Barack Obama and Joe Biden!


Well over 300 Democrats, Republicans, and Independents all showed up to let Sarah Palin and the OC GOP elite know that Orange County is no longer some “Red County” where they can take our money and expect us to vote for their handpicked politicians and their policies of stealing from the working class to bestow upon the ultra-wealthy. No, Barack Obama and our local Democratic candidates can count on plenty of support from the people here as well! The days of this being “Red County” are coming to an end!

OK, so I had quite a busy day on Saturday? So how did I recover yesterday? Oh, I just walked a neighborhood in Garden Grove for Debbie Cook and Robin Marcario (one of the Democrats running for city council there)! Ah, the work of a Democrat in OC never ends! 😉


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