Linh Ho gets DPOC Endorsement for Garden Grove Council

Linh HoNominations were opened for the second endorsement slot for Garden Grove City Council. Paul Lucas nominated Linh Ho.  After a very brief discussion about whether to use paper ballots, it was decided to go ahead with a raising of hands. There was no count of the hands. It was overwhelming. There were two hands in opposition. It was a clear victory for Linh Ho.

After a regional report, Chairman Frank Barbaro said that a good candidate was here tonight and voluntarily took her name out of consideration for the DPOC endorsement for Garden Grove City Council, Robin Marcario.

The take-away quote from Robin Marcario: “It would be an honor to serve on the Garden Grove City Council with Linh Ho.” 


  1. Unfortunately, neither Linh Ho and Robin Marcario will have the “honor” of serving on the Garden Grove City Council, period.

  2. Wow! First his peeps trash talk Lihn at the first endorsement meeting and now Paul says it would be an honor to serve with her.

    His signs say something like honor, integrity, and hometown values, nothing could be further from the truth.

    Paul has no shame.

  3. Anon 357am
    You need to get your sleep. Your reading comprehension is waning. That quote was attributed to Robin Maracrio.

    I was the one who nominated Linh Ho for the endorsement if you read the collumn thoroughly.

  4. Hi Linh,

    We just knew you for the first time by listening to VNCR Radio, Oct. 24

    Please let us know if you WERE RELATED TO Tran Thai Van and his bullies ?

    If you were, we will NEVER NEVER VOTE FOR YOU.

    Please verify it on VNCR ASAP. This comment will also sent to VNCR Little Saigon Radio.

    Thank you

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