Former REPUBLICAN LA Mayor Endorses Obama!

Yes, it’s true. Richard Riordan, the REPUBLICAN who was elected as Mayor of Los Angeles from 1993-2001, is now endorsing Democrat Barack Obama for President! Why?

Riordan said the Illinois senator was by far the best choice for the White House and the only one with the intellect to shepherd the country through troubled economic times. “He’s extremely bright and energetic, and he’s a guy who gets things done,” said Riordan, who was a successful venture capitalist before he was elected mayor in 1993, serving two terms.

Riordan criticized GOP presidential nominee John McCain’s past support for financial deregulation, saying it helped trigger the mortgage crisis and subsequent economic downturn. “There’s nothing in his background that shows he’s a person who can understand these complicated economic issues, or shows that he is entrepreneurial enough to bring about change.”

Riordan may have been a Republican before, but he obviously has common sense. He knows our nationlnow needs a President who will enact common-sense regulations that protect our capitalist system, bring forth new ideas for new jobs and new business opportunities, and restore our confidence and the world’s confidence in our economy. He thinks now’s the time for Barack Obama, and I think he’s onto something. 😉