Sarah Palin’s Wasilla Bible Church, where the Alaska governor has been a frequent worshipper since 2002, is promoting a Focus on the Family conference to pray for the “conversion” of gays to hetereosexuality and fundamentalist Christianity. Palin’s religious views are in line with FoF as she is hardcore pro-life, opposing exceptions for abortions in case of rape and incest, and she opposes gay marriage and spousal rights for gay couples. CUs aren’t good enough for Palin.
Maybe the Rev. Ted Haggert will be a guest speaker at this event?
If prayer works, why do they need to amend the California Constitution?
And if prayer doesn’t make the gays straight, well then what’s God thinking?
That is the stupidiest s— I have ever heard!!!! Leave the gays alone and let them be happy.
Leave the gays alone and let them be happy.
That is just the problem, Jaque Thomas. Well, one of my many problems. Why do they have to be so obviously happy, or, as it were, gay? It makes it difficult for upstanding citizens like you and I to retain our self-discipline and eschew their sinful lifestyle.
Isn’t there a way that they could do… you know, what they do… but a little more sadly?
Willing to discuss this with you in person if you send your number…
“government should not prefer one religion to another, or religion to irreligion”
A statement made by the Supreme Court in 1994. As you can see, politics should not be based on religion. Our presidental canidates along with their supporters need to realize this.
To add to what I’ve already written, if the Wasilla Bible Church wishes to hold this conference, then that is their right. Sarah Palin as an individual can openly support them, but Sarah Palin as a policital member cannot. Her private views should remain private and not overshadow what she can and cannont do for this country. Then again, once a person steps into the limelight, their private views are dragged into the open for everyone to know. Although I do not support the woman, I do believe she has the right to her own views and beliefs, and no one should slander them.