CA-46: Debbie Cook on the Air!

Here’s some BIG news from the Debbie Cook campaign. Guess where you’ll see Debbie Cook? Stay tuned. You’ll be seeing something interesting on your TV soon.

Democratic nominee for Congress Debbie Cook begins airing TV ads on cable systems throughout the 46th district this week. This is believed to be the first TV ads from a challenger to hit the airwaves in the 46th district in 20 years.

The first ad buy includes both a 60-second version and 30-second version of an ad entitled, “Results.”

The Cook campaign is excited to have our first ad buy, said Kevin Thurman, Cooks campaign manager. Voters now have a choice between a local leader who gets results and a Washington politician. When the voters see this ad, the race will tighten. We are more than confident that Debbie Cook will win in November.

The ad features Cooks accomplishments as a private citizen and as an elected official in the district. The ad discusses Cook’s plans if elected in a direct contrast with Congressman Rohrabacher’s lack of results from 20 years in Washington

The campaign has bought time on cable systems throughout the district from Palos Verdes to Costa Mesa. Both the 60-second version and the 30-second version will be airing throughout the district.

The ad buy will air across a number of channels, time slots and programs to reach the most voters throughout the district. The campaign expects to roll out more ads contrasting Debbie Cook and Dana Rohrabacher in the coming weeks.

Bill Wachob, of the Campaign Group, created the ads and coordinated the ad buy for Debbie Cook for Congress. Wachob helped Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez defeat Bob Dornan in 1996.

Debbie Cook is the mayor of Huntington Beach and is challenging incumbent Congressman Dana Rohrabacher. She has devoted much of her adult life and her legal career to environmental protection and energy policy. She considers reducing America’s dependence on fossil fuels an environmental and national security imperative.