This Was a Great Night for Democrats

Delegate Steve Young shared his impressions about last night’s speech by former President Bill Clinton. Thank heavens since Chris and I have been running on empty with all the activities going on…tonight’s the big night!

Today the Democratic delegates voted on their nominee.  As you saw if you watched at home, Hillary Clinton spoke for the New York delegation, and moved to confirm Obama by acclimation.

At the time I was talking with some friends in another state’s delegation, many of whom were Hillary delegates.  When she made her motion, there were many, many wet eyes.  The whole convention center exploded in cheers and shouts of support and joy.  The party is now united.

The scene for the past hour has been an incredible study in group dynamics.  I have sat in the same chair for the past 3 days.  I am in the front row of the California section.  I sit at the corner where all of the media enters the center.  I have watched a parade of every anchor and celebrity you see everyday on your television.

But for the last hour, the parade has slowed, not because the anchors and celebrities are not coming in and out, but because every aisle is so full of people that nothing is moving.  Small people, such as Katie Couric, are escorted (more like guarded) as large “aids” press through the crowd to get to where ever she has to get to.  Young pundits, old stars, radio voices (they never look like you imagine), and talking heads from television. are all swimming the aisles jammed with bodies.

As I write, Bill Clinton is speaking.  everyone around me is saying, “He is saying everything I want to hear.”

Steve Young with Viet Flag @ CA Dem BreakfastHe is bringing the crowd to its feet — talking about what matters, about what America should be.  His best line so far has been, “We need the power of America’s example and not examples of America’s power.”

Bill reminded everyone that 16 years ago, the Republicans said he was too young and inexperienced to be president.  “Sound familiar?  I won because I was on the right side of the issues. And Barack Obama is on the right side of the issues this time.”

At the end of the speech the convention center erupted a storm of enthusiasm: music, noise, cheering, waving flags, and again, the interminable press of people in the aisles.

This is a great night for Democrats.

Steve Young

1 Comment

  1. A great night for Democrats?? The DNC took my vote and 18 million others for Hillary and threw them out the window for there pick. So that’s a great night?? It just shows how corrupt the party is. Watch how many vote for McCain because of it.

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