(Cross-posted at Clintonistas for Obama)
Have you been watching the Democratic Convention this week? I have. I cried during Michelle Obama’s speech. And of course, I was moved to my head to my feet during Hillary Clinton’s speech! I really felt moved after seeing some of my favorite Democrats speak.
But you know what’s also been moving me?
During the last 72 hours, I’ve been reminded of the choice we will be making in November. I’ve been reminded of the choice we must make between change for the better and more of the same old garbage. I mean, haven’t we had enough of this?
And this?
And this?
And this?
And this?
And this?
And this?
And this?
The choice can’t be clearer for us. It can’t be clearer for true-blue Democrats. It can’t be clearer for Independents. It can’t be clearer for former Republicans who are sick and tired of the same old Bush-Cheney nonsense.
We have a choice now. We have Barack Obama and John McCain. We must choose our next President. We must choose someone who will clean up the mess that George W. Bush has left behind. We must choose between someone who wants more of the same mess and someone who’s ready to help us change this nation for the better.