South Vietnamese Flag On Convention Floor

Garden Grove is the home to the largest concentration of Vietnamese in the United States and is represented by democrats Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (47th District), State Senator Lou Correa, and and Assemblyman Jose Solorio. Delegate Misha Houser of Garden Grove is representing the 47th Congressional District at the Convention.

For the four days of the Convention, Houser will proudly carry the South Vietnamese flag on the Convention floor. “Although there are no Vietnamese-American delegates (from Orange County) to the Democratic National Convention I felt it was important that the community be represented at the Convention,” said Houser. “Despite what Van Tran and the OC GOP may want people to believe, there are plenty of Democrats in the Vietnamese community. They are here with me at the Democratic Convention in spirit and in my heart. , Minh Luu from San Jose is the only Vietnamese-American Convention Delegate (h/t Bolsavik).

Delegates Misha Houser (l) and Santa Ana City Councilwoman Michelle Martinez
47th District Delegates Misha Houser (l) and Santa Ana City Councilwoman Michelle Martinez


  1. Good going Misha!!!

    Jose S.
    Misha is not a candidate for anything but a concerned citizen and good Democrat.

  2. Too funny!!!!

    Now she wants to try and build bridges between the DPOC and the Vietnamese community.


  3. You know, Dan — look at comment 3 up there — I think it is YOUR blog that automatically puts up those links whenever a story links to you. I never see those anywhere else. You oughtta take back your accusations of “blogwhoring” against me and Sarah.

  4. No Vern; it’s them linking to us and I have purged the message for consistency’s sake. Though frankly, I don’t mind the attention from TotalBuzz. Sorry I wasn’t Johnny-on-the-spot. But I’m not taking anything back.

  5. Misha Houser really cares about the Vietnamese community…just look at how she treated her previous Vietnamese candidate Hoa Van Tran.

  6. This photo is not helping the Democratic Party gain the support of Vietnamese American voters.

    OC Dems, intentionally or not, excluded a significant constituency from being on the convention floor.

    There are plenty of Democrats in the Vietnamese American community, says Houser. Yet she could not find one to join her in person!

    This DNC photo makes specter of Vietnamese Americans while mocking democratic values of representation and inclusion!

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