New Book Swiftboats Obama; No 1 in NYTimes Bestseller List

Jerome Corsi, the author of 2004’s “Unfit for Command” that placed the phrase “swiftboarting” into political lexicon, has penned a new attack book aimed at Senator Barack Obama.  The book, “Obamanation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality” is number 1 on the New York Times bestseller list and contains all of the fact-based in-depth reporting that Corsi’s swiftbook book contains (which is to say, there’s considerable documented evidence to refute many of Corsi’s claims).

Media Matters, a media watchdog, has this post that fact checks a number of issues in the book already.

Even better; the mMediaMatters post has Dr. Corsi’s email address so you can tell him exactly how you feel about his new book. 


  1. According to Talking Points Memo, the Obama campaign is already executing its rebuttal plan which includes contacting shows where the author is booked “to rebut the book’s charges in phone conversations and giving them a whole run-down of past Corsi quotes that are controversial.” and “to dig more deeply into the author’s past statements, plans for increased surrogate action against the book, and stepped up pressure on high-level media executives to let the Obama team have air time to rebut the charges.”

    The Obama campaign appears to have learned his Swiftboat lesson. It will be interesting to see how it plays out…

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