John McCain: All Celebrity Hype, No Real Change

(Proudly cross-posted at Clintonistas for Obama)

He’s one of the biggest celebrities in Washington, DC. He’s beloved by the Beltway Insider establishment. He’d rather schmooze with big media than connect with us regular people on the major issues.

Beware: This DC celebrity is dangerous. He’s even more shallow than Paris Hilton.

I’m sure you’ve seen this by now:

And come on, you know it’s true. McCain comes from a party known to promote empty-headed celebrities. Mccain always craves complete media attention on him. McCain even has celebrity anger management problems!

McCain may be trying now to make us ignore his own celebrity status as he attacks Barack Obama’s “celebrity fame”, but let’s not fall into that trap. McCain’s the real celebrity elitist. McCain’s the real media darling. McCain’s the one who’s actually out of touch with working-class Americans.

So let’s not forget about the real facts on McCain. Let’s spread the word on these real facts. Oh yes, and let’s make sure Obama has enough resources to continue getting the truth out.