Only Obama Knows How Obama Thinks

The Register’s editorial page intern Allyssia Finley penned this little piece on Obama today and appears to posess great insight into how the Democratic candidate for president perceives himself; done, mind you, without the benefit of an interview and by placing words in the candidate’s own mouth as if to prove a point.  She had an earlier column extolling young voters to come to the Republican side instead of Obama’s where the Illinois senator has rock star status among her peers.

Nice to see this Standford student parroting the talking points on Obama that Fox News grinds out every night. 

From her column: But what makes Obama different from many politicians is that he is not just arrogant, but also narcissistic. Narcissists don’t just think that they’re better than everyone, they also believe that everything revolves around them. Obama revels in the spotlight, grinning as he pumps his fist in the air. “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek!” The “royal we” is just a rhetorical ploy to get people to think he’s talking about them when he’s really talking about himself.


I won’t even get started on Obama’s vanity, his pristine diet or how instead of visiting injured troops in Germany, he went to the gym at the Ritz-Carlton. That would just be too personal.

Allysia, please DO get into Obama’s pristine diet.  He played basketball with the troops during his overseas trip.  And as for not visiting injuried troops, guess you didn’t do your homework.

From the New York Times piece:

At a news conference in London as he wrapped up his trip, Obama said the Pentagon notified the campaign that the visit would have been viewed as political because he was bringing along a campaign adviser, retired Maj. Gen. Scott Gration. Gration advises the campaign on an unpaid basis.

“That triggered then a concern that maybe our visit was going to be perceived as political,” Obama said. “And the last thing that I want to do is have injured soldiers and the staff at these institutions having to sort through whether this is political or not and get caught in the cross-fire between campaigns.”

The Pentagon took issue with a statement by the campaign citing conversations with military officials as a reason for canceling the trip. The Pentagon said it never told Obama he could not visit Landstuhl, only that he could not do so with campaign staff and reporters there.

The Obama campaign countered there was never any intention to allow reporters and that Gration was to be the only adviser to participate in the visit with the senator.

The U.S. Defense Department has long-standing policies that prohibit military personnel and military facilities from any association with partisan political campaigns and elections.

Meanwhile, let’s check on your man, Senator McCain, who showed how in touch he was with average Americans by going to the grocery store wearing $520 Ferragamo shoes.  Or how McCain claimed to have supported the Martin Lurther King Holiday when he supported then Governor Meacham’s ban on the Holiday in Arizona and voted against the holiday in the US Senate.  I love how McCain wants Congress to get back to work on a comprehensive energy policy that is “30 years too late” when he’s been in the Senate for 26 of those years and did nothing.

So what’s the point of the column? Obama is narcist who only cares about himself? Right, which is why he became a community activist in Chicago instead of going to work at a big law firm.  Maybe she should have used the workd “uppity.” 

Finley even finds the time to mock Obama’s two memoirs, suggesting that someone his age has some sort of audacity to write memoirs at his age.  Perhaps we should apply this standard to editorial writers under the age of 25 and still in college.



  1. Vern — I fixed them. Hadn’t finished editing before I hit the “send” button, but at least there aren’t any unsubstantiated rumors being printed as fact.

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