Cleaning up on outstanding posts from last week when the site was down…
Media Bistro covered our recognition as the Best “Liberal” Blog in Orange County by Orange Coast Magazine. Thanks Mayrav.
Tuesday Jul 08, 2008
Best Liberals In the OC. All Three of Them.
Orange Coast Magazine recently came out with its “Best Of” issue. We usually don’t read “Best Of” issues because rarely do they reflect the actual “best” of anything. They should be called “The Stuff Our Reporters Have Heard Of” issue. But we digress.
Some of our friends at The Liberal OC were granted a superlative from the esteemed publication: Best Liberal Blog in Orange County. This made us laugh. Hard. So we caught up with the best liberal blogger in Orange County, Dan Chmielewski to talk about the distinction.
Congratulations! Thanks. They named everyone else (from the blog) except me. And I post the most.
Ooh. Sorry. So, not to be nit-picky, but “Best Liberal Blog in Orange County?” Aren’t you the only liberal blog in Orange County? There are other Liberal blogs in OC, but they are not very good or are one-person shops.
Where do you go from here? We’re incorporating the blog for tax purposes; maybe someone will buy us?
Which other “Best Of” Winners do you agree/disagree with sharing the spotlight with you? The conservative blogs they awarded were pretty spot on; but Red County at least allows debate, Flash Report does not.
I don’t agree with their selection of Frank Mickadeit; I would have picked Gustavo at OC Weekly as a better choice.