Hey, everyone! We have just over 24 hours left to make a HUGE impact in this election by making sure our Democrats have enough resources to kick some Rethug behind this fall. So what can we all do to help Obama win the White House and Democrats win more seats in Congress?
Follow me down below for more…
OK, so what can we do? How ’bout donating?! After all, Barack Obama still needs some help so that he can shatter some more fundraising records and prove to the corporate media naysayers that he did the right thing by breaking free of the current broken campaign financing system and building a strong campaign in all 50 states.
Go ahead and take a listen to what David Plouffe has to say.
So are you feeling excited now? That’s good. Just remember that the only way Obama really can compete in all 50 states is by us ensuring that the campaign has the resorces to do so. So please, donate what you can to our Democratic nominee, Barack Obama.
So are you also excited to finally see real bonds of unity being formed among Democrats now? I know I am!
But you know what? Hillary Clinton still has campaign debt to take care of. And the more time she has to spend dealing with her debt, the less time she can spen campaigning for Obama and other Democrats nationwide. That’s why it’s critical that we help her retire this debt once and for all! If you can spare a little extra for Hillary, please do so.
OK, and let’s not forget about our important downticket races! If we want President Obama to really hit the ground running, let’s make sure he has a strong Democratic Congress that will help him implement a truly progressive agenda. Donate at MyDD’s “Road to 60” ActBlue page so we can have a more Democratic Senate. Donate at BlueAmerica’s ActBlue page to support strong progressive Democrats running for the House (and Senate, too). Oh yes, and don’t forget to help out the Democratic Party so we can have a strong presence for Democrats in all 50 states!
And finally, will you please help some good friends of ours here in Southern California? My wonderful Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Orange County, CA) is is working hard for not just herself, but for a fantastic Democrat named Debbie Cook running to replace a complete Rethug nutjob. Debbie Cook is currently the mayor of Huntington Beach, and she’s a popular local elected leader who has what it takes to win this race and help President Obama implement a strong progressive agenda in Congress. All we need to do now is make sure she has all the resources to “ride the Obama coattails” to victory this fall.
OK, I know I told you a lot. So would you like a quick refresher on your options?
– Donate to Help Democrats Win in Southern California
– Donate to Help Barack Obama Win
– Donate to Help Democrats Win Nationwide
– Donate to Make Congress Bluer & Better
– Donate to Help Hillary Retire the Debt
Get it? Got it? Great! Now let’s go out and make sure Democrats win! 🙂